Tag Archives: video

Ze Frank emailed me


My awesome and beautiful wife emailed Ze Frank and asked him to wish me a happy birthday. He did.

happy birthday!

now you have to wet yourself.

your wife said you would.

send a picture of the wetting.



So I sent the above picture to him. And of course I couldn’t resist making a video. It’s slightly disturbing.

It’s Time I Came Out

After a lot of thought on the matter, I have decided to take this video down. I believe the portrayal of racial stereotypes in this video is not the kind of comedy I am currently striving to do. I think my friends find the video funny because they know me and the type of person I am. However, my friends only account for 49% of the world’s population, so for that other 51% I have taken the video down.

I try to be smarter about my satire these days.

Song excerpt is Skywalker Ranch by Webster County.

Hurricane Katrina and My Family

This is my first serious vlog.

I recently talked to my family about their experience with Hurricane Katrina that hit over a year ago. I’ve included some footage my dad shot during and after the storm. I tried to keep it short but it’s still quite a bit longer than my usual videos. There was much that I didn’t include such as my brother trying to get home to see if his family was alright but he was unable to make it for over a day.

I don’t think it turned out that great but maybe I’ll get better at the non-comedy stuff. Rest assured, the funny will return soon.