Tag Archives: lab-rats

4.18.08 Comedy Extravaganza


Tonight is the show. ON THE MAIN STAGE IN MCCOMAS. Improv, sketch, stand up, a new Good Commitment video sketch and more. You won’t get more laugh for your buck anywhere else. 7:30pm. One Show. $5 tickets. Due to construction, the balcony will be closed. Get there early.

With the Good Commitment video, we’ve already filmed parts of it and we’ll film the audience doing certain things before the show. Then Graham will edit it together during the show and we’ll debut it at the end.

The Lab Rats haven’t had a main stage show in over a year so tonight promises to be special. Be there.

South Eastern Theatre Conference and PodCamp Atlanta

Since SCT won at the Mississippi Theatre Association festival, we’re headed to Atlanta for SETC next week. We will compete against 9 or 10 other states. It oughta be a good time. We leave on Wednesday. It’ll be my first big theatre dealie to go to and I’m excited. I hope to hit a few workshops and what not.

The following weekend I will return to Atlanta for PodCamp Atlanta. I have been asked to be on a panel for video blogging. There will be a handful of us on the panel from what I gather and it’ll be a Q and A type thing. James and I will go to hang out and meet people. So Good Commitment will be in the house. w00t. That oughta be a good time as well.

I’m not doing Lab Rats this semester. I don’t really have time and also I’m not taking a class so technically I’m not supposed to be a member. I’m enjoying what I’m doing now but I do miss my friends and doing the ‘prov. I went to the Lab Rats show tonight for the first time as a spectator. Well, sort of, I did kinda go as crew since I video taped the show. Everyone did great and they have a talented new crop of performers.

Lab Rats Improv Show – Friday 13th

poster1.jpgDon’t miss the Lab Rats in action this Friday night at 7:30pm on the main stage in McComas Hall. It’s going to be a great show. Ticket reservations have been pouring in! So reserve yours now! The grand finale will be a scene performed barefoot, blindfolded and on live MOUSETRAPS. I wouldn’t miss that if I were you. Senseless pain is always entertaining.

I’d also like to take a moment to say how proud I am of the Lab Rats and the Southeastern Comedy Arts Festival. We actually pulled it off. Everybody had a great time. I just think it’s amazing what a bunch of college kids that haven’t actually been to a comedy festival before can pull off when they pull together. SECAF ’07 will be even better, I have no doubt. BTW, we won the Eggbowl of Comedy!