Three Oh

I spent my 30th birthday dinner in an Irish pub in Barcelona Spain being served by an Austrailian and an Indian. It wasn’t terribly exciting but it probably sounds cool.

Thanks for all the birthday wishes. You’re all swell people.

Did I mention I’m playing vegetarian this week?

I say playing because I don’t think I’ll continue after Sunday at midnight.

I’ve been making noises for months about giving vegetarianism a 30 day trial run. I find that I can’t eat too much meat or I want to gag (let the gay jokes commence). Mass meat-based diets like Atkins don’t work for me because I can’t sustain it beyond a few days.

My big meat based favorite foods are hamburgers, pizza and anything fried. So you can see that if I cut out the meat foods I eat a lot it would go a long way to cleaning up my diet.

I enjoy fruits and vegetables, I just don’t eat them as much as I should. I love the interesting dishes found in the vegetarian line at the cafeteria. So I figured I should give the vegetarian thing a shot and see what it’s like.

But I never did. Too much hassle. Would require planning and forethought. i.e. Effort.


So it ends tomorrow night at midnight. I never really planned very well and found yummy sounding recipes to try out. I just grabbed pasta and salads and fruit and cheese pizza on the go. There really haven’t been any meat cravings until dinner tonight. I really wanted a sandwich. I LOVE sandwiches and most good sandwiches tht I know about have meat in the middle. But I ate some VeggieLovers pizza from Pizza Hut instead.

I’ll post a my follow up video next week.

DragonCon and Parsec Awards

parsec-seal-nominee-1.pngStarkville Media is heading to DragonCon this weekend. The 10th Wonder, Starkville House of El, Tangent and Good Commitment will be in attendance. The 10th Wonder and Good Commitment are finalists in the Parsec awards. I have no idea if this is a big deal or what.

Before Graham and Derek approached James and I about going to hang out and meet fans, I’d never heard of DragonCon. Sometime after that I received an email saying Good Commitment had been nominated for a couple of Parsec podcast awards. First I’d heard of that too. I forgot to submit a sample of our work until about 20 minutes before it was due. Somehow we ended up top 5 finalists in both categories. I know for a fact we have no chance for a win because I checked out the other finalists. If there was a comedy category, we’d have a chance but this is general video podcast stuff. There are other people better at video production than we.

Anyway, it should be a fun time. We’re heading over on Friday and coming back on Monday. If you’re going to be there, leave a comment. I believe we’re planning a get together at some point, I’ll drop you a line with the info.

Comedy is hard

I’ve heard that many times from people. Some say doing drama is easier. Well I don’t really know. To that end, I’m reading my first book on comedy writing that I checked out from the library. Here’s what the author has to say about humor:

Humor is playful incongruity that contains a tension between two levels of meaning followed by a clash of sufficient complexity that surprises and delights and that leads to a resolution of that meaning.”

What’s so hard about that?

Skinny people just don’t get it

nyr10601121937widec.jpgI went in to get measured for a tux recently as I have a friend’s wedding coming up. The pants are usually adjustable and I inquired about how the sizes break down. I mentioned that I was trying to eat better and exercise so I hoped to have lost a bit of weight by the wedding.

The proprietor of the shop, God bless him, was very trim and offered me some advice. “See what I do is put pillows on top of my feet in bed. You know, on top of the sheets. Then when the alarm goes off, I do a few sets of crunches. The pillows piled up help keep my feet down and then bam! I’ve worked my abs and I’m good for the day.”

Yeeaah. See, sit ups alone don’t really make your pants fit any better. Skinny people with high metabolisms don’t really have a clue. Just don’t eat after 7pm or eat nothing but pasta or mix up some peanut butter and earth worms they’ll say. It doesn’t matter what they do, THEY STAY SKINNY.

Now, that doesn’t mean that they are healthy or physically fit. There are plenty of skinny people in terrible health. But they think if you just do this one thing, you’ll be skinny like them in no time because, come on, it works for them, right? Look at them, they’re skinny, they must know what they’re talking about, right?

Hey skinny people, unless you have ever been fat, don’t offer me advice on how to lose weight and I won’t mash your Twinkie (yummy yummy Twinkie) in your face (and then eat it).

It ain’t nothing for me to put on 30 or 40 pounds in 6 months. Fortunately, if I work hard I can lose it in half that time. I’m the classic yo-yo-er and right now my yo-yo is up. Way up. And I can’t seem to find the motivation to make it go down.

Anyway, the purpose of this post was to tell skinny people to shut it and eat a sammich.