Speed Date and Meebo

I was contacted by meebo to take part in a speed date with some other blogger types. It was to promote a new partnership between meebo and speeddate.com. Before you call me a cad, realize it was for promotional purposes only, you all know I’m taken. Plus, nobody wanted to hook up, so…

Well, it turns out it’s being marketed as “celebrity bloggers do speed dating” and for the most part the people who did it are well known in internetdom…except me. I’m terribly flattered that meebo asked Good Commitment to take part in the fun. And it was fun. Unfortunately, I tried too hard to have “material” prepared and didn’t get the opportunity to use much of it because in a live webcam chat it’s kind of hard to get a rhythm going and do “bits.” I’m not exactly an outgoing, gregarious guy so I found it hard to connect in the three minute window that we had. Now, put me on a stage in front of an audience, and it’s a different story…I’ll make a lot more than just 2 people feel awkward and uncomfortable.

So, yeah, web celebrities…many people may not know about Good Commitment yet, but I guaran-damn-tee you we’re the best known Mississippi-based web comedy team in the world. And I have a big announcement coming soon that we will be on the local big screen and the nationwide small screen. Shhhhh more later.

Anyway, here’s the video they put together.

Sanders Family Christmas Opening Night


I mentioned that I was in a new show, but I haven’t written about it. So what better way to talk about it than on opening night! Sanders Family Christmas is the sequel to Smoke on the Mountain, the play we did in May ’06 and took to the Mississippi Theatre Festival in January ’07 and pretty much swept the awards. We have the entire competition cast back, except one (we miss you, Bruce) to reprise their roles. The “new guy” Drew has jumped right in and we are excited to open tonight.

We are doing 12 performances of the show and almost the entire run is sold out. There are some seats left, so if you want to come, call 662-323-6855 to reserve your seats. We run everyday except Monday starting today the 6th through the 16th. There are two shows each Saturday and only matinées on Sundays.

I enjoy playing Dennis and it has been great to be back with the rest of the Sanders family. I’ve had to work harder on the music this go around because it is more difficult and complex than the first show.

I struggled with playing Dennis during the initial run of Smoke on the Mountain. Many times I did not feel as connected to the character as I wanted to be. By the time we started rehearsing for the festival, I felt more at home being Dennis than I ever had. I’m glad to say that that feeling has carried over to the new show.

I think we have a great show on our hands and I can’t wait for audiences to see it. Y’all come now, ya hear?

Can I just say…

jack_bauer-badass.jpg…how hardcore the show 24 is? I’m late getting on the 24 wagon, I know, but Great Salted Butter Nuts!

We started with Season 1 and are about 6 hours away from finishing Season 3. Season 3 is the most hardcore yet. I won’t say anything in case someone hasn’t seen it but plans to, but…just…damn!

I really think 24 has changed how far other shows are willing to go with their stories now. I felt the most recent Heroes episode had some 24-style hardcoreness in it. We’ve come along way from The A-Team where no matter how far the bad guys’ car falls off the cliff, they always crawl out just before it explodes.

We hope to get caught by up the time season 7 airs, I think we can even though we’ve got a lot left to watch. No spoilers please!

P.S. I googled for a Jack Bauer pic and found one very similar to the one I created, but they had it marked “private” on flickr so I respected their wishes and didn’t steal it. I just borrowed the idea.

Resumé Advice

So I’m updating my resumé which I haven’t done in years. Anybody have some good tips or resources? I will ask google as well, but if anybody is in a position that they hire people and sort through resumés in their job, please offer some advice. Or if you’ve had good results doing a certain thing, please leave a comment.

Mini Update

Notre Dame Rose WindowAaaaand we’re back. Aaaaand we’re beat. We’d been up about 25 hours by the time we finally fell asleep in our own beds for the first time in over two weeks. My internal clock is having trouble adjusting to the Central time zone. I sleep for a few hours and then am wide awake in the early morning when I should be sleeping until at least noon.

I might post some excerpts from my travel journal and I’ll work on getting some pictures uploaded, though it will take a while. There’s, like, a ton of stuff to do when you’ve been away for two weeks.

In other news, the girl I wrote about in this post found me on myspace and I, probably unwisely, sent her the link, but she seems to be a good sport about it.

Also, for the first time in over a year, I’m in a new theatre show. More on that later.