A number of them are jewish but if my theory is correct, comedy + curls = success, then who could be next? I don’t know, but I’m going to go ahead and order that fancy lightsabre replica I always wanted.

A number of them are jewish but if my theory is correct, comedy + curls = success, then who could be next? I don’t know, but I’m going to go ahead and order that fancy lightsabre replica I always wanted.
I think it matters who you are when it comes to comedy. What I mean by this is that if someone knows you or is familiar with your past work, they will be significantly more open to being positive about your new work.
Say, for example, a well known comedian puts out a video. Say that the comedy content is mediocre. The fans of that comedian are going to love it even though it may only be mediocre comedy. There’s an established connection and reference. That person has a brand that affects your acceptance of this new work.
It works the same way when someone you respect recommends something. You watch that recommendation with a certain bias that it is supposed to be funny. The person you respect gets it and finds it funny so you want to get it too. I find this affects me quite a bit. I follow a lot of comedy in the online world and when someone I respect says something is funny, I generally will accept it as funny more quickly than I would if I had found it on my own.
I’ve noticed this occurrence a few times. A well known actor or comedian will put out a video and the comedy blogs and news sites will post it. If you really watch it, it’s ok but not something that would get link love from a lesser known comedian. I reckon this might be known as having payed your dues.
What really brought this home to me was a thread on AST recently. Charlyne Yi posted a video of what she considered her SNL audition. You may know Charlyne from Knocked Up. I’ll be honest, the joke was lost on me. I thought I got that it was ironic but I thought I was missing something too. I’m not familiar with her style of comedy but lots of others loved loved loved it. As I looked closer at the humor, I realized it’s similar style comedy to something I might do for a joke. So a style of joke that I might do myself was lost on me because I didn’t know the creator. It wasn’t until I took a second and third look at it that I began to get it and find it funny. Most people don’t give comedy that kind of chance.
It goes to show that In Comedy It Matters Who You Are.
When I see someone defying the well thought out design of a bicycle and riding with no hands, I wish for nothing more than for them to fall on their face RIGHT THEN. To me, it is the height of arrogance to ride a bicycle with no hands. One handed? Ok, fine, you’re pushing the bounds of acceptable safety, but go ahead.
When you ride a bike with no hands you are broadcasting to the world, “Look at me. I don’t bend over at the waist to grasp the ergonomic handlebars with my hands, therefore ensuring my safety and the safety of those around me. I ride sitting straight up in the seat with my hands resting on my thighs or even letting them cavalierly hang down next to me. I throw caution and safety to the wind while I take my life in my own hands. I am a cocky, son of a B.”
When I see this happening, as I did today (and not to mention the doosh was riding ON THE SIDEWALK), I hope with all my might that he will eat pavement right in front of me.
I’m sorry, I don’t normally wish ill upon anyone, but in this case it is deserved. I mean, just look at this buttplug. How do you think he feels now?
Look, I’m a messy eater. It doesn’t matter if I’m eating a carrot stick or baby back ribs, I go through several napkins throughout the course of a given meal. After a meal is over I have been baffled to find food in places that food doesn’t have any business being. Head, shoulders, knees, and toes, I’ve generally got it all covered.
To be honest I didn’t realize how bad it was until I noticed my dog’s behavior during meal time. For most people when a dog begs during meals, she sits there next to you looking up with those big, pitiful, puppy eyes hoping that you’ll find it within your heart to drop the tiniest morsel on the ground that she might gratefully enjoy. But when I’m eating, the dog stands there NOT looking at me. She stands there at full alert monitoring the ground around my feet LIKE A HAWK.
Because she’s learned that when I eat, the food rains down all around her like manna from heaven. An all-you-can-eat smorgasbord of dinner time doggie delight.
On the positive side, at least I’m eating less.
My buddy, Jonathan Nail (AKA The Trained Actor) has recently started a new web series Ask You Movie Review. Each weekend he catches movie goers at the theater and asks them funny and irreverent questions about the weekend’s new movie. You won’t believe some of the questions or their answers.
Always entertaining, it’s worth checking out on Funny or Die or iTunes.
I’ve upgraded the software running the site. Please comment if you run into any problems.
I’ve been running the same theme and plugins for a long time. Every time I upgrade I have to shoehorn something to get it to work. I think a site overhaul is long overdue. Don’t look for it anytime soon but it’s climbing up the to do list.
In case you didn’t already know.
And the finale teaser