10 year high school reunion

Back to the gym today. Had a killer upperbody workout. You know it was a good workout when it’s difficult to wash yourself in the shower afterwards.

I mentioned a few weeks ago that I was working it hard to lose some weight. I went for all of four and half days before I gave out. I was attempting to do a restrictive, very-low-carb diet so I could get results quicker. It was a bad idea as I wasn’t ready for that level of commitment. So the next few weeks was back to being lazy and eating bad. *sigh*

I am king of the yo-yoers it would seem. I really really really want to get back to where I was this summer, mentally I mean. Getting up early to work out and eating right wasn’t a big deal. I just did it.

See, I think the difference is that I had a beach trip with some high school/college buddies. That pushed me to stick to it. After the trip, I couldn’t get motivated for more than a week at a time (if that). Just wanting to look good isn’t enough. The frustration of not being able to wear the clothes I bought over the summer isn’t enough. Wanting to prove to myself that I do, in fact, have abs isn’t enough. It seems that a looming dealine that could cause me personal embarrassment is what I need to succeed.

Now some people aren’t all that self conscious about their flabbage. I know you’ve seen the girls who have NO business wearing a short shirt that shows their belly if they even look up. Or the guys that really need to just go ahead and buy a new pair of pants THAT FIT instead of pretending that they can still wear those size 34 jeans that they’ve stretched out to about a 36.7. Well, I’m self conscious about it. I own pants ranging from size 32 to 38. Last summer I was a 32/34, now I’m a 36/38.

I can lost weight pretty fast, but I can also put it on at an alarming rate. I really just want to find a lifestyle that doesn’t feel like I’m on a diet or a plan.

Anyway, I could ramble on and on about the different plans and diets and weight lost and re-gained over the years. I won’t. Suffice it to say I’m really determined to get in those gray Kenneth Cole pants that I love but can’t wear right now.


captain_art.gifYou may have noticed that the masthead has changed from my cheesealicious one to the new sweet one that is there now. Thanks to my buddy Dave and his leet photoshop skills. He did a few for me to use so I’ll be rotating them in and out. You might see him around with one knee up, ’cause his payment will put a little captain in him if ya know what I’m sayin’.

No, not like that. Perv.


smokemtnI can’t remember if I ever mentioned this, but I got cast in the next SCT show. I was totally sick and drained during auditions but I apparently I did well enough. Here’s how it went down.

We had to sing a song and do readings from the script. There were 20-something people that auditioned and they were seven parts to fill, three female and four male. I figured there was only one part that I had a chance at being cast in due to the ages of the other parts and I was pretty sure that I wasn’t going to get it due to the talent at the auditions. And I was right, I didn’t get the part of the late-twenties preacher, I got the part of the 17 year old twin.

Turns out the director didn’t stick real close to what the script said about ages, and that’s fine with me!

The play is Smoke on the Mountain. It’s a musical comedy set during the 1930’s in a Baptist church for a Saturday night singing. The preacher has hired the Sanders family, who are a traveling gospel group. I’m Dennis, one of the twins. Denise (Molly Watkins) is my twin sister. There’s Burl (Paul Ruff) – the father, Vera (Madeline Golden) – his wife, Stanley (Kevin P. Kern) – his brother and June (Krista Vowell) – the other daughter. Bruce Lesley is playing Pastor Oglethorpe. Pattye Archer is the director, she directed the summer musical revue that was so much fun last year. Alison Stamps is the AD.

We started rehearsals this week and have music bootcamp this weekend. I have to play the upright bass, guitar, banjo and piano. This is going to be a great show to be a part of and I’m very excited. When it gets closer to opening night, I’ll post the dates so you can make your ticket reservations.


So Kareem Abdul-Jabbar (KAJ) had a cameo on Scrubs recently. I was like “That’s cool, I haven’t seen him in a while.” Then I remembered how much I hate him. And Magic. And Worthy. I think you can figure out why.

Comedy Challenge

There has been a lack of original comedy content for Rufus-only-knows how long on this site. I’d like to say it’s because I’m busy preparing karyhead.com 1.0. Well that’s true, but there’s been a lack of good content here for ages.


This post has little to do with that. But it got me thinking. I know some of my local fellows in comedy read this crap.

So. Here’s what I’m proposing.

We take a suggesion on a subject from the blog audience, ala improv, then write up some stand up material and go to Dave’s Darkhorse next Monday night at open mic night and deliver it. Let the audience decide which one they like best. Winner buys the others a round at the bar. Or something.

So, we take suggestions via comments. Decide on a topic. Write funny (hopefully) original material, go to Dave’s next Monday night and kill. Audience decides who wins.

Yes, this scares the bejeebus out of me. That’s why it’s fun and exciting. Matt and Houston have done it. It can be done. They should join in the challenge.

Who accepts my challenge?