A Comedy Tonight!

forum.gifI just got back from watching Theatre MSU’s production of “A Funny Thing Happened On The Way To The Forum.” And I Had A Ball.

This was most likely the funniest play I’ve ever attended. I know the cast, crew and directors have put an amazing amount of time and sweat into the production and it all paid off tonight.

I know most of the cast as I’ve either been in a show with them or taken a class with them or they’re in Runnin’ With Scissors with me. They are really talented and it was so much fun watching them have a good time on stage.

From Will Cooper’s physical comedy in the lead role as Pseudolus to Gabe Smith’s commedia dell’arte skills as Captain Miles Gloriosus to Scott Brinkley’s sharp comedic timing as Senex, the cast is outstanding.

I knew before I even paid for my ticket and sat in my seat that the show would be good. The director is Kevin P. Kern. I took my first acting class from him. He was the director for the children’s show that I did in the fall, Story Theatre. I’m taking another class from him this semester and I’m doing a show with him at the community theatre. See, I know he got skillz.

The band was good as well. Live music makes everything better, in my opinion.

There are so many jokes, you’ve got to be on your toes to catch them all. You’ll be laughing the whole way through.

If you are in the area, you’ve got tomorrow night the 7th and Saturday night the 8th to catch the show. You won’t be disappointed. Shows start at 7:30pm in McComas Hall and tickets can be bought at the door.

On IRC today…

from #bullylug

ponds: i think im going to die
ph|ber: whats wrong?
ponds: i took the blazin challenge
ph|ber: ?
ponds: buffalo wild wings
ph|ber: ahh
ponds: has 18 different levels of hot sauce
ponds: blazin is the hottest
ph|ber: not no, BUT HELL NO
ponds: the blazin challenge involves eating 12 blazin wings in under 6 minutes with nothing to drink or no blue cheese ranch or celery
ph|ber: did you do it?
ph|ber: that shouldnt be hard.
ph|ber: just chow em down.
ponds: it wasn't really that hard, it's just catching up to me now
Tantalus: death from within
traicovn: You have not heard of my chili apparently./
Tantalus: heheh
traicovn: it is fine going in....
traicovn: I can only imagine the pain that you will feel in a few hours ponds.
cs_weasel: your butt
cs_weasel: hole
cs_weasel: will hurt

cs_weasel speaks words of wisdom.

Talking is hard

born.jpgThe English language is hard. It’s fairly difficult for even me and it’s the only language that I know. I can’t imagine someone coming here and not speaking the language and having to learn it. It must be really frustrating.

I mean, for example: their or there or they’re. Take a left at the next light. He left after the concert. Don’t forget: to, two and too. And don’t get me started on english idioms. The only rule is there are always exceptions to the rule.

And what about freaking contractions? After someone has learned the basics of the english language and they’ve learned ‘i before e except after c and when in neighbor and weigh’ and all that other crap, we throw contractions at ’em. “Hey, as if your brains aren’t scrambled enough already, check this shit out.”

You know what? I bet they pick it up pretty quick, because contractions really aren’t all that hard. Would + not = wouldn’t. See? Just replace the missing letters with one of these ‘ and you’re all set.


We can’t stop there, no sir. We got to make it even harder on people learning our language. As I said, there are always exceptions to the rule and contractions are no different.

Teacher: Class, please substitute a contraction in this sentence: “I will not be able to attend class today.”

Pedro: I willn’t be able to attend class today.

Teach: I’m sorry Pedro, that is incorrect. It should be “won’t.” I won’t be able to attend class today.

Pedro: ¡Qué lío!

What?! Why why why? Come on, it’s not even a real contraction: wo + not = won’t? THERE IS NOTHING WRONG WITH WILLN’T.

I say we start a contraction revolution. We got to help these immigrants out. Sure, they’re taking our jobs and costing us, the taxpayers, billions of dollars, but the injustice must stop here! Now!

Pledge with me to stop using silly contractions like “won’t.” Do it for the good of english. Do it for the good of common decency. Do it for the good of America!


Rogers Saturday night out

5.jpgSo M’s birthday is coming up this week but we willn’t have time to do much in celebration. So I took her out on Saturday for some stuff I knew she’d like to do.

First item on the agenda was lunch at Little Dooey’s. They have the best fried catfish around. I’m partial to the blackened burger and the baked beans can’t be beat.

Then we drove over to Columbus and bought a couple tickets for the pilgrimage. We saw some civil war buffs fire a cannon and saw a couple of nice homes and gardens.

Next we drove to Tupelo, stopped in at Hardee’s to change into nicer clothes and got dinner (not at Hardee’s). Unfortunately, the restaurant we wanted to go to has closed. The place had really good food at reasonable prices. We might pay $50 for an appetizer, two entrées and a dessert and feel that we got our money’s worth.

We tried a place called the Big Easy on main street. It bills itself as a bar and grill type place. We sat downstairs in the restaurant part and waited a few minutes for our server to present himself. We were in a bit of a rush because after dinner we were going to the ballet. Our 15 year-old-looking server finally showed up and I asked what they had on tap, thinking a quaint liitle bar and grill in historic downtown might have some good beer on tap. “Nothing,” he said. “Nothing?,” I said. “Well gimme some water then.” WTH?

M had her heart set on steak so she ordered the filet and I ordered a chicken breast stuffed with shrimp and crab meat. Over thirty minutes later, our order showed up. People that arrived after we did had already received their orders and finished eating. We had no more than 10 minutes to choke down our food. And neither of our entrées were worth writing home about or paying for, but we did. One glass of wine and two ho-hum entrées were $50. Ouch.

Well we made it to the ballet in time. Now M had for a little while been making rumblings about going to see the Tupelo Ballet Company do Sleeping Beauty. I wasn’t too keen on it and she said she’d ask her friend to go. I never heard anything else about it. While I was looking for stuff for us to do, I came across the ballet and realized that it was on Saturday April 1st and she hadn’t mentioned it so I guess she didn’t plan on going. I decided to be a good husband and include it on our itinerary.

Now, I’ve never been to the ballet before. I assumed it was a professional touring ballet company putting on the show with a live orchestra. Boy was I wrong. It was the local dance school with all the little local teenybopper dancers. The crowd was filled with proud mommas and poppas. And the music was recorded.

Oh well. They must have spent a lot of money on costumes, because they were really great.

I think the ballet would actually be a fun thing to go to and sit in the back with a bunch of friends and do a Mystery Science Theatre 3000 type thing. The entire story is told through dance and gesture and whatnot, no spoken words are used. So it sets itself up well for witty commentary. “Look how far I can leap” or “I can spin around many many times without falling down, huzzah” or “I don’t need high heels, look what I can do with my toes.”

And they did actually bring in some higher level dancers to play the lead roles. The lead guy, Prince SomethingOrOther, wasn’t too bad. And I was quite in shock at the last scene when he came out. Keep in mind I have never been to the ballet before.

I swear I thought he had forgotten to put on the bottom half of his costume. He had this little sparkly jacket on and that was all. Well, he had tights on, but that was all. When he stepped out I really thought that he had neglected to put on the bottom half, you know, like a pair of shorts or something.

Let me say this, if I were a woman or a gay man, I’d be all about the ballet. One of the first dance moves that he did with Sleeping Beauty in the scene was stand with his back to the audience and hold her up. I think this guy could squat a house with legs and glutes like that.

I said glutes ’cause I felt weird about saying “ass.” I mean, I’m just not comfortable saying “This dude’s ass was amazing.”

So he had an impressive physique and his little tights left nothing to the imagination. Now, this audience was filled with moms (who were starting to fan themselves with the program) and little brothers and sisters and I’m going “Someone tell that guy to put some clothes on, we got innocent children out here! THINK OF THE CHILDREN! They’re going to have nightmares that their Barbies and G.I. Joes starting growing bulges where there was once smooth plastic.”

Well anyway. After the ballet, we decided to get a room and spent the night. We were tired and didn’t want to drive back to Starkville. Plus, there was a Shoney’s nearby and the breakfast bar was calling our names. Our local Shoney’s got shut down several years ago and I’m still kinda sad.

We had to get some complimentary toiletries from the front desk since we didn’t plan to stay overnight ahead of time. But hey, I got a free travel deodorant out of the deal, so I’m real proud.

I got some pics:


Improv show Friday night

I shoulda posted this earlier, but I didn’t. So now I am.

RWS is going classical. Well, I mean, it’s a classic-style show. In the lab. Improv. Sketch. Just straight up funny.

Friday night, March 31st in the lab theatre in McComas hall at 7:00pm and 10:00pm. I’m in the 7:00pm show but you should come to both. Admission is $5 for one show or $8 for both.

Don’t miss it or I’ll beat you with a plastic straw.

Hey Hey Hey

fatalbertWhat’s going on with you peeps? Just wanted to drop a note and say that I’m thinking of you. I know I haven’t been around as much as you would like. Or as much as I would like for that matter. Yeah, it’s been busy, but who isn’t busy? When I find free time to play, I’m generally working on the site: playing with plugins and whatnot instead on putting up new content.

My sincerest apologies.

I do have an interview scheduled this weekend with James Comans from the MSU improv comedy troupe. Hopefully I’ll get that edited and posted next week.

My last post about SANDWICHES, I really wanted to write a funny poem but alas, I suck at rhyming.

Ummm, let’s see. I was incredibly productive at work today. No, really. I have let my email inbox languish for about two years. I delete a lot of stuff, but I let a ton of stuff sit and get moldy. I don’t know how many messages I had, I’m pretty sure it was over 3000. Well, I bit the bullet today and cleared it all out. I saved some and deleted a WHOLE lot. Inspiration goes to inboxzero and 43folders.

So tomorrow, is improv practice, Smoke on the Mountain (SotM) rehearsal and sleep.

Friday is improv practice, SotM rehearsal, then I’m gonna try and make a wine and cheese event over at Laura’s.

Saturday is SotM rehearsal and that evening I’ll try and make the MSU choir and Tupelo Symphony Orchestra’s performance of Carmina Burana in Tupelo. If anybody wants to take a road trip to Tupelo Saturday for maybe dinner and the concert, holla back.

This space. I’m looking at an avatar plugin for comments so’s you can have a pic next to your comment (not that there’s been many THOSE of late). The two options are grabbing your favicon from your URL (if you include your URL when you leave a comment) or using gravatar. I really like the gravatar (globally recognized avatar) option. The problem is after you upload an avatar, they have to rate it (using a MPAA style system) before it can be used and they are pretty slow about rating your avatar. It took about a week for mine to get rated. Then any site or forum on the internet that is gravatar compatible can pull your avatar. It is keyed on your email address, so you’d have to include your email address in the appropiate field when you leave a comment.

I’ve rambled on enough for now. I’ll check you later.



What’s the first thing I learned to fix myself to eat when I was hungry and mom wasn’t around?


But, the second thing was SANDWICHES.

I probably learned how to make a PB&J first, which is strange because making a PBJ is harder than making, say, a ham SANDWICH. I’d do my best to smear PB on one slice and some J on the other one, slap them together and enjoy. With a glass of milk, of course. It wasn’t until years later when I would use the advanced technique that my mom used: mixing them in a bowl first. Try it, it’s smooth and yummy.

White, wheat, pita, tomato basil, rye, hoagie, french, styrofoam, DVDs. Doesn’t matter. Take two pieces of any bread, put something edible in between them and BAM! (thanks Emeril, not the book store) a party in your mouth.

Lettuce, tomato, mustard, pickles, cheese, woodchips, fingernails. Doesn’t matter. Dressings are the icing on top. (mmmmm icing SANDWICHES) You don’t have to have ’em, but they make a decent SANDWICH great. Mayonaise and bread are the perfect compliment. I think I could eat mayonaise SANDWICHES. I also like mayonaise and banana SANDWICHES.

Ham, PB&J, banana, pimento cheese, tuna, cow tongue, babies. Doesn’t matter. They’re all good. I mean, SANDWICHES are the perfect food. Whatever you can find around the house, you can make a SANDWICH out of it. The SANDWICH is the delicious garbage disposal of leftovers.

So you had a nice roast and potatoes dinner. Yum. But you know what I look forward to the most? Lunch the next day. Roast beef poboys (a subclass of SANDWICH). Oh yeah. Looove it.

The point is, I would eat a SANDWICH everyday and never get tired of it. Why? Because the possibilities are endless. Heck, Waffle House has 844,739 ways of eating a hamburger (another subclass of SANDWICH). Should I sing the song?

What’re your favorite SANDWICHES? I love ’em all. Well, except olive spread or olive loaf. What the crap is that?

Turns out

That the Blogger authentication wouldn’t be terribly useful unless I had people from Blogger who were contributers and this was more of a community based site. But it ain’t. It’s my personal site. So I wrote a bit of code, know how to do php XML-RPC to Blogger and have an idea of how wordpress plugins work. So I don’t feel it was time wasted.

I think I’m going to concentrate on content. I’ve got an About page but I’d like to do more. I added a Jack Handy Deep Thought for the day on the bottom of the sidebar. I’m working on other stuff as well.

As far as posts go, I’m waiting for inspiration to finish my ode to SANDWICHES. Because, come on, SANDWICHES are the best food group evar. And I’m pretty sure you are required to capitalize the entire word or risk being molested by the SANDWICH police.

Yes, they’re real.

Blogger authentication for WordPress

bloggerlogoSince I started out over at Blogger, I’ve got a few readers from over there (hopefully they’ll follow over to the new site). That system was nice because of the built in community. Once you were logged in, you could browse other people’s blogs and leave a comment. Then that person could follow a link back to your profile and check out your blog. I’ve done this exact thing tons of times when someone stumbled upon my blog and was gracious enough to leave a comment. I’ll miss that aspect about Blogger.

To make it a little easier for Bloggers, I’m thinking about writing a plugin so that one could use their Blogger username and password to login and leave comments. Then once you’re logged in, it would already have your email address and URL. Then with cookies, you wouldn’t have to re-login or type your info in everytime you wanted to leave a comment.

Would any of my former Blogger buddies be interested in that functionality? I’ve gotten the XML/RPC authentication code working, which I borrowed heavily from some code from geeklog. I still have to actually work it into WordPress via the plugin hooks.

I still might do it if nobody cares, just for fun.