Madwoman Opens Thursday

madwoman.jpgThe latest production from Theatre MSU, The Madwoman of Chaillot, opens Thursday night. Performances are Thursday, Friday and Saturday at 7:30pm.

It would be jolly good of you to come and see it. I am playing the role of The President. It has been lots of fun putting the show together. Hopefully that will translate into a fun show to watch. There are a lot of talented kids in the show and I’ve enjoyed meeting and working with them. Of course, I’m the old fart of the group.

It’s weird to only have three performances when I’m used to doing around nine with shows at SCT. We will also perform at a college theatre festival competition thing at the beginning of November and I’m excited about that.

Be looking for a video about my recent trip to Six Flags in the near future. With near being defined as possibly next week since I’m doing a show this week. We’ll see. Love You!

Lab Rats Improv Show – Friday 13th

poster1.jpgDon’t miss the Lab Rats in action this Friday night at 7:30pm on the main stage in McComas Hall. It’s going to be a great show. Ticket reservations have been pouring in! So reserve yours now! The grand finale will be a scene performed barefoot, blindfolded and on live MOUSETRAPS. I wouldn’t miss that if I were you. Senseless pain is always entertaining.

I’d also like to take a moment to say how proud I am of the Lab Rats and the Southeastern Comedy Arts Festival. We actually pulled it off. Everybody had a great time. I just think it’s amazing what a bunch of college kids that haven’t actually been to a comedy festival before can pull off when they pull together. SECAF ’07 will be even better, I have no doubt. BTW, we won the Eggbowl of Comedy!

MySpace Virus/Worm?

myspacebulletin.jpgI’ve noticed that a few friends on MySpace have been posting bulletins like “she just went live!” These turn out to be links to some dirty, naughty webcam.

I’m pretty sure that my friends aren’t actually doing this themselves. One friend has posted several different ones and then he posted one himself saying that he hadn’t been posting the webcam links, that he must have a virus of something. I’ve been noticing more and more of them lately.

So is there a virus or worm that’s going around spamming MySpace bulletins?

Ze Frank emailed me


My awesome and beautiful wife emailed Ze Frank and asked him to wish me a happy birthday. He did.

happy birthday!

now you have to wet yourself.

your wife said you would.

send a picture of the wetting.



So I sent the above picture to him. And of course I couldn’t resist making a video. It’s slightly disturbing.

It’s Time I Came Out

After a lot of thought on the matter, I have decided to take this video down. I believe the portrayal of racial stereotypes in this video is not the kind of comedy I am currently striving to do. I think my friends find the video funny because they know me and the type of person I am. However, my friends only account for 49% of the world’s population, so for that other 51% I have taken the video down.

I try to be smarter about my satire these days.

Song excerpt is Skywalker Ranch by Webster County.

Hurricane Katrina and My Family

This is my first serious vlog.

I recently talked to my family about their experience with Hurricane Katrina that hit over a year ago. I’ve included some footage my dad shot during and after the storm. I tried to keep it short but it’s still quite a bit longer than my usual videos. There was much that I didn’t include such as my brother trying to get home to see if his family was alright but he was unable to make it for over a day.

I don’t think it turned out that great but maybe I’ll get better at the non-comedy stuff. Rest assured, the funny will return soon.