Alltel Motorola KRZR K1m and iSync

Please forgive this techie post, but hopefully it’ll help somebody

Update (2007-03-15): This hack broke when Apple released 10.4.9. I have reapplied the hack to the new plist file, Download it here.

I’m trying out the Motorola KRZR. It’s a slimmed down version of the RAZR. I really liked the RAZR when it came out but the width of it was a bit off putting for me, other than that it had a lot of the features that I was looking for in a phone. I never did get one though.

This year I jumped from Cingular to Alltel since I get some Alltel coverage at my house and zero Cingular coverage there. I went with a Motorola e815 over the RAZR and I’ve been pretty happy with it.

That is until my boss got a KRZR last week. I have endeavored to figure out a way to get one of these sweet phones into my life since then and today, I did.

I use Address Book on my Mac to maintain my contact information, then I use iSync to get the address book onto my phone via Bluetooth.

Unfortunately, the KRZR isn’t officially supported by iSync yet but with some research, I got it working. Most of the instructions deal with Verizon KRZRs which will not work for the Alltel version of the phone.

If you have a KRZR with Alltel and want it to work with iSync, download this (Update: Set calendar support to ‘true’ and updated plist file for 10.4.9). Unpack it. It should create a directory called AlltelKRZR-iSync with two files in it: an updated plist file and a KRZR icon that I made.

Then go to the Finder and right (or control) click on iSync and hit “Show Package Contents.” Drill down to
Contents -> PlugIns -> ApplePhoneConduit.syncdevice -> Contents -> PlugIns -> PhoneModelsSync.phoneplugin -> Contents -> Resources

Make a back up copy of the original MetaClasses.plist file. Now, copy the two files you unzipped to this directory. Make sure you have already paired your phone with your Mac via the Bluetooth utility. Fire up iSync and “Add Device.”

It worked for me, hopefully it’ll work for you.

Disclaimer: Hopefully nothing bad will happen to you, your family, your phone or your computer if you download these files and use them in the manner described. But if something does, it ain’t my fault. Use at your own risk. I’m using Mac OS X 10.4.8 and iSync 2.3 (500.86).

I like my pancakes

karyburr.gifSo I think my web host had a database server blow up the other night. That’s why my post about Chili’s disappeared. But I don’t know, I’m still watching over my shoulder. I think I saw a green and red van with a big chili pepper on the roof following me around yesterday. I went into the Piggly Wiggly to get meemaw some Doral Lights and Arbor Mist Merlot. When I came out (I also got me some Beast and Nutella), I seen the van circling around my car. I don’t know what they was doing but I reckon the chicken blood, locks of hair from a small child and a bar of lemon soap couldn’t be a good sign.

Ok, the only reason I made this post was for Thomas’ funny animated picture. TeeHee.


So I posted last night about my dining experience at Chili’s. Let’s just say it wasn’t a glowing review. I know I posted it because a friend asked me why I took it down.

I didn’t. It disappeared. I mean, just *poof*. Does Chili’s have some sort of super power that allows them to stricken the internets of poor reviews?

I’m spooked now. What if they’re watching my house? Tapped my phones? Obviously they have the power to delete stuff from my website. What’s next? One of my pets goes missing to “make a point?”

If you don’t hear from me for a long time, you’ll know why. Chili’s got me.

Rehearsals and a new project

So I’m back in rehearsals. What? you say? School is over for the semester and SCT is currently doing an all women show, what could you be possibly be doing?

SCT decided to take Smoke on the Mountain to the Mississippi Theatre Association competition/festival in January, so I get to reprise my role as Dennis, the shy, singing, preacher boy. The role is a lot of fun but we have to cut an almost two hour show down to 60 minutes. It’s tough but we’ll get it done. This is my first time to perform at MTA. I did my first show that was judged this semester and it affected me more than I’d like to admit.

Theatre MSU performed The Madwoman of Chaillot for the regional American College Theatre Festival. For the first 10 to 15 minutes I just couldn’t get out of my head. It really pissed me off because I felt great leading up to curtain time. I really thought I would feel my best yet on stage, but for the first little while any thoughts of giving my best performance went right out the window. Knowing that there were people out there taking notes and judging the show and my performance really affected me more than I thought it would. I finally settled down and finished solid but being on stage and in your head blows.

So I’m hoping I got that experience out of the way when we go to MTA. I don’t care if I don’t get noticed or mentioned by the adjudcators, I just want to be in the moment.

Other things…I have a new project on the horizon. For the first time since starting an online presence, I’m going to commit to putting out content on a regular schedule. Be looking for an annoucement of this new endeavor soon.

Hey, have a great weekend. I’ll talkatcha soon.

Two Wheelin’ Fools

Crosswalksm.jpgBikes on the college campus annoy the crap out of me. And I don’t mean motorcycles, I mean legcycles.

Here’s why.

Bikes do not belong on the sidewalk or in other pedestrian areas. You know, WHERE PEOPLE ARE WALKING.

There I said it. Flame away you pedaling namby pambies!

Yet the bike riders zoom around on sidewalks and near about run people over. I don’t think they should be on the sideWALK to begin with and certainly not if they can’t pilot their vehicle well enough to avoid clipping people with their handlebars. I did see one bicycler start to lose control of his bike, swerve to avoid hitting a pedestrian and then crash awesomely. And lo, I did laugh. (He wasn’t hurt).

What really burns my biscuits is when they jet through a crosswalk and expect the cars to stop for them. The crossWALK is for WALKERS. People on foot. I will stop for a pedestrian in a crosswalk everytime but I ain’t brakin’ for no fool on a two wheeler. Half the time they are moving too fast for me to react anyway. Hey hey hey, don’t think just ’cause you in the crosswalk mean you is right. I stop for pedestrians and for things bigger than me. A bicycler is neither of those.

I think bikes belong on the road. How many times have I heard the lycra-clad masses whine “Same road, same rules” to the car driving folk? A LOT. They want car drivers to recognize them as legitimate road sharers. Yet, how many times have I seen a bike rider pedal right on through a red light or stop sign? A LOT. “I’m a bike, I don’t have to stop.” You don’t want me to run you off the road when I pass you? Then obey the same laws that I do in my car and I’ll respect you. I have been known to roll down my window and yell at these law breaking riders “same road, same rules, pal!” I mean, you can’t have your cake and eat it too.

I guess that’s about it.

The Late Night Mash

79m.jpgThere’s a new creative community over at the Late Night Mash. It’s hosted by soap star Dan McVicar who has recently taken the vlogosphere by storm.

It’s a pretty cool setup. I created an account a while back and have uploaded a couple things to the site. Dan does a Monday through Friday show.

I recently uploaded the couch song video from this vlog. He used it in the mash today and totally made fun of me and called me names. w00t! It’s awesome!

Update: Dan takes a look back at a month of mashes on the Dec 1st show. I think he was afraid that I was upset due to my not-serious comments above. To the contrary, I had a good laugh at the intro and I was stoked see my little song on the mash. Keep it up Dan!


bathroom1-250-blur.jpgI wrote this on June 8th, 2006 at 12:14am after a couple of beers and sent it to a friend. Thought I’d put it here so I don’t forget.

I wasn’t one that grew up thinking “I want to be an famous actor in movies when I grow up.” So many do though.

I’m not wondering why “now,” as in the timing of it. I’ve been through that process and I’m ok with where I’m at.

I’m wondering what drives a performer.

ima get the obvious ones out of the way. A need for attention. For validation. For perceived acceptance and love. For recognition.

there are highs but there are lows as well. how much of it is masochism? there’s a lot of rejection and hurtful moments to deal with.

i can’t say for sure. i can only look at myself and ask the question. i hear the echo of the question ring out in the vast darkness. what comes back to my ears?

yeah, i need validation and attention. but the times i’ve been recognized for a role or performance in “every day life” did nothing for me. so it’s not that. ovations are nice but that doesn’t do it for me either. i don’t live for the applause at the end. in fact, that might be my least favorite part because it signifies that it’s over.

What’s over? THE CREATION.

The whole process from audition prep to audition to rehearsals to discovery to performace. Performance is fun and it’s the end result, but i can’t say for sure that’s why i do it. i look forward to it. to show off what’s been created.

creation’s the thing man.


Not much, you?

Busy, sick, busy, balance.

I don’t write about personal stuff on my blog. I’m just not comfortable with putting it all out there for people to read and know my business. I’ll write about my struggles with trying to stay in shape (I’m currently in the fall/winter fattening up stage so that I’ll have something to do in the spring, ha). But I generally don’t write about my personal life. I mean, I started this thing to be a creative outlet and hopefully entertain some folks.

Some people will write cryptic or ambiguous things so that you know something is going on but you don’t know what. Then that leads people to start asking around and maybe rumors get started. So I just avoid it altogether.

Vulnerability. It’s scary. I don’t let down my guard very often. Few people get to see me in that state. I value those people very much and I don’t know what I’d do without them. I may sometimes live my life with my heart on my sleeve but you’d never know it was there.

Anyway, nothing’s changing here, I just needed a topic to post on since it’s been a while. It’s good to see all of you again, dear readers. And when I get to feeling better, I’ll do something funny.

P.S. The Lab Rats intro finally made The Show! Ze gave us an assignment as well.