All posts by kr

To Do

In no particular order:

  • Figure out next week’s Good Commitment episode.
  • Figure out how to work Vlog Fight
    • Figure out how to pull videos off of facebook
    • Figure out the platform (a blog?)
    • Post current videos
  • Make new vlog that I’ve had planned for a few months but haven’t had time
  • Figure out new direction for Good Commitment
    • How to run a contest
    • How to pull off a live show
  • Push current GC content to more sites
  • Enter sketches into the Daily Motion contest.
  • Re-design GC look and site
  • Update resume and start job hunt
  • Renew passport
  • Plan Europe trip
  • Work on blip facebook app
  • Get tux measurements for a friend’s wedding
  • Figure out the problem with the head unit in my jeep
  • Build trunk for jeep
  • Quit being a fat ass (I did well for about 4 weeks and not well for the next 4 weeks. Thus, I’m still a fat ass)

Vlog Fight is on!

Ding! Ding! Vlog Fight is about to commence between me and Derek Russell of SHoE and Tangent.

So it all started with a video he posted on facebook. I responded to it, he responded to me and then I responded back.

What is Vlog Fight (VF)? It’s a smack down that can only be smacked down with video.

Rule 1: You don’t talk about VF…except to talk into the camera.
Rule 2: You DO NOT smack down with text! VIDEO ONLY.
Rule 3: You do not edit in VF. Record and post.
Rule 4: There could possibly be more rules.

If you’re on facebook, you could possibly see the first few videos. We have plans to move VF to a location so that everyone can watch the smacking down. And possibly even join in in the future.

Video 1
Video 2
Video 3
Video 4

Blog Upgrade

I’ve made a significant upgrade to the software for this site. Please let me know if you find any problems. Thanks.

update: I’ve also updated PHP. I’ve noticed that when I first load a page, it’s blank. Then when I hit reload it’s there. Anyone else see this?

update part deux: Problem was the wp-cache module. Upgraded it. We good now.

Return of KaryHead Video?

Ya know, it’s hard (but fun) work putting out a new sketch video every week. And as such, my personal vlog has languished. I’d really like to start doing some again so I’m thinking I could pull off one vlog per month. It probably won’t be my usual HI-larious comedy bits because my comedy energy is going to Good Commitment.

Meanwhle, enjoy these classics

What am I going to do with my free time?

Time Lapse video of our terribly awesome Saturday night

One Week In

Well, one week in and somehow I’m not back in my 34″ pants. What gives?

Fo’ reals tho, we’ve been getting up at 6:00am and hitting the gym, lifting weights Monday, Wednesday and Friday with some cardio and 40-ish minutes of cardio on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday (though I missed the cardio on Saturday).

Been eating pretty good as well. Had a few bad things over the weekend but not a whole binge day of eating as we’ve done in the past.

I’ve got a long way to go before I’d feel comfortable in a swimsuit. I reckon I’m starting out as heavy as I’ve ever been. What can I say, I’ve enjoyed a lot of good food and couch time the last 9 months. Did I say GOOD food? I meant terrible, unhealthy, nasty food.

Oh, and I could REALLY use a personal bathroom in my office since I’m getting up EVERY 30 MINUTES to pee from all the water I’m drinking.

Maybe after a few weeks I’ll post my before picture.

Tomorrow it begins

It’s later than I’d like, but tomorrow begins an intense body and mind transformation. No more excuses. No more laziness. I finally have a deadline of late July. I have three months before I hit the beach with friends.

Stay tuned for more info. Off to bed with me.

Privacy Schmivacy

cat-inur.jpgSo I stumbled upon a facebook group. The purpose of this group is for some dude to get the phone numbers of his friends ’cause his phone broke and he ain’t got they numbers no more.

Sorry, I’ll talk right now.

One of the great things about facebook is privacy. They have gone to great lengths to build in lots of privacy options. It’s one of the many reasons I prefer it over myspace. So depending on one’s privacy settings, random people can’t check out my profile and get personal information about me. Say, like my phone numnber.

Basically people that know this guy are joining the group and posting their phone numbers on the wall. In a global group. Open to anybody on facebook.

Of course, I joined and posted on the wall too.

“Im in ur group, writin down ur numb3rs.”

And I uploaded the above kitty pic to the group photos.


I noticed that two people on myspace were hotlinking images off a couple of my old posts. This means that they were having the pictures displayed on their myspace profiles at the expense of my bandwidth. This is a no-no and considered bad form. Well, since the pictures they were pulling were on my site, then I could change them if I wanted to, right?

The first guy is a theatre lover. Nothing wrong with that, I have been known to dabble in the theatre from time to time. He found a “A Funny Thing Happened On The Way To The Forum” poster that I had posted a while back. His myspace profile looked like this:

Bandwidth Stealer - before

I grabbed a pic from his uploaded pics and Dave made a little plug for Good Commitment. This is how his profile looks now (or until he takes down the pic):

Bandwidth Stealer - after

Another guy did the same thing but his profile was set to private, so all I could do was grab his profile pic and change the picture he was stealing:

to this prank2.jpg