Monthly Archives: December 2008

2008 in Review

Pretty much everyone is doing their 2008 recap. What happened? What did you do? What goals and milestones did you reach? You know, that kind of stuff.

I think you already know most of mine but without further ado, we here at IMKH will hit the highlights of ’08.

January: I think I got a new pair of shoes.
February: I..uh…I’ll come back to this one.
March: If I remember it right, I had heard gas was three cents cheaper across town so I headed over there only to find out it was the same price as my side of town. Oh man!
June: High dive. Dong exposure. Small children crying. That’s all I’m saying.
September: Uh…pass.

Forget it. Nothing really happened in ’08 with our country or for me personally worth mentioning. Here’s hoping 2009 takes an upswing. Maybe I’ll finally get that navy blue blazer I’ve been wanting.

People sure are friendly in NYC

They say in the south, you’ll never meet a stranger. People will bend over backwards to help you if you need a hand. Admittedly, I was afraid that when I moved up here to New York I’d be put off by the unfriendliness of the locals. I think everyone has heard how New Yorkers would step over a dying man rather than do anything to help.

You know what? Everything I had heard is completely wrong.

Back home you tend to know just about everyone around town. It’s not uncommon to be out and around town while someone driving along will see you and give you a friendly honk. Etiquette dictates that you return it with a friendly nod and a wave. This is about the only time you hear a car’s horn.

Imagine my surprise while walking down 34th street and every other car is giving me a friendly honk. They tend to lay on the horn a little more than they do back home but that’s probably because there’s a lot going on around me and I may not notice them honking right away. So I turn their way and give them the required nod and wave. I tell ya, I can’t walk two feet before having to stop and wave at someone. It’s great everyone is so friendly but it takes me twice as long as it should to walk a single block.

So let it be said that New Yorkers are way friendlier than you might have heard. So much so that I have trouble sleeping at night while they honk a little hello to all their friends.

News of my death has been greatly exaggerated

First, let me address my cryptic post recently about being in San Francisco. I was barely getting settled in NY when I had to take off to SF for a week of training with my new job. I had fully intended to sit down that evening in the hotel and write up a big My New Life Thus Far post but I wimped out and made up some nonsense instead. My apologies to all.

So. I’ve been in the Big Apple for just over 2 months now. We’ve gotten all settled in and there are no more boxes sitting around. It’s kinda late right now, but remind me to post some pics of our apartment after the movers delivered all the boxes filled with our junk. Holy Moley.

I think about our life and friends and family that we left in Mississippi and I miss it all so. Fortunately, we like it here too and it balances out pretty well. But, Lord, is it cold.

We packed everything up as best we could and let the movers do the rest. It was weird to sit in our empty trailer after living there for 7 years.

Empty Nest

We caught a last football game (and the Dawgs won!).

Our Last Home Game

Then we rented a car and started our 3 day trip to NY.


We stopped in at the Natural Bridge.

Natural Bridge

I managed to snap a quick pic as we crossed the Mason-Dixon Line. Goodbye South.

Mason-Dixon Line

We stopped at Hersey, Pennsylvania and tried not to spend too much money on chocolate.


I drove across Manhattan and over the Manhattan Bridge. Regardless of this photo, I was completely sober.

Manhattan Bridge

The next day, all our junk was delivered.

New Place

This is right outside our door looking up towards Prospect Park.

Union St

We live 4 blocks from Prospect Park.

Prospect Park
Prospect Park

This is our neighborhood, Park Slope, Brooklyn.

Park Slope
Park Slope

We took a carriage ride in Central Park. The horse decided to leave without the driver, who is taking the picture.

Carriage Ride

We’ve already had the first big snow storm though I’m not sure if we got any pictures. We also had visitors from Mississippi which was fun. Now the new year is upon us and we look forward to what it will bring. Personally, I’m hoping for less siren noise.