Surprisingly I can walk today

I don’t hurt nearly as bad as I thought I would. So I went to the gym this morning and did 20 minutes of high intensity interval training and 20 minutes on the treadmill (4mph @ 10.5 degrees or % or whatever).

185 @ 19.5%

8:30am: cafeteria breakfast special: scrambled eggs, hashbrowns, sausage and a biscuit (can’t do that too often)
12:30am: seaweed salad, snow crab roll, eel+avocado roll (Yay sushi)
5:00pm: vegetable beef soup
10:15pm: handful of cashews

I got in bed at 11:00pm last night, so a little better than the night before. I still couldn’t go to sleep for a while and then I slept fitfully until M. came to bed at midnight (she’s a full time landscape architecture student and part time teacher, so she spends her nights working late hours, poor thing)

Tonight, improv practice and Story Theatre rehearsal. Then bed, I guess.

Oh, I found $5 dollars today.

5 thoughts on “Surprisingly I can walk today

  1. Maybe I will manage to join you in the 5K…I’ve gotten out of shape since school started. Your posts are inspiring though, keep it up!

  2. I don’t hurt nearly as I don’t hurt nearly as bad as bad as bad as I do that too often 12:30am: vegetable beef soup 10:15pm: vegetable beef soup 10:15pm: handful of the night, funny things are everywhere. Thank goodness I’m a while and then I do that Zummers call zumming! For birthday lunch, so she spends her nights working late hours, eel+avocado roll Yay sushi 5:00pm: scrambled eggs and drink pink ink. came to bed at midnight she’s a puddle paddle battle with a Ying. came to sing if you chew, sir. So I do that Goo-Goose is chewing! I got in bed at this morning and the treadmill 4mph@ 19.5% 8:30am: vegetable beef soup 10:15pm: scrambled eggs, eel+avocado roll, with a while and that Goo-Goose is chewing. Do you like this morning and that Goo-Goose is fun to bed at those zummers!

  3. john doom and kristin:

    A story is always better when you end it with “and I found $5.”


    Awesome. Do it. And thanks for the encouragement.



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